
Jeff Jenkins and his rescued canines (and beloved family pets) have been bringing their message of kindness, compassion and empathy for all living things to young people for over two decades.

The Lola Foundation is named after Jeff’s very first rescued dog, Lola. Lola Went from a throw away dog living on the streets to an international performer, ambassador for her much-maligned breed and an inspiration to people everywhere

Jeff and Lola, along with his other rescued canines pioneered the idea of bringing dogs into schools, youth correctional facilities, day camps and just about anyplace young people gather, with the goal of reaching, teaching and inspiring. They have collaborated with many of our countries most respected animal welfare organizations including The Humane Society of The United States, The Anti-Cruelty Society and PAWs Chicago.

Seeing how young people reacted to his dogs, how they opened up and shared their feelings, how the dogs were a conduit that allowed them to be kind, curious and inquisitive, Jeff knew he had to do more. So, with that inspiration Jeff created The Lola Foundation and its signature program - “Canine Kindness Corps”.

With Canine Kindness Corps the message is simple… Kindness is Contagious. Whether you have four legs or two legs, when you are treated with kindness and compassion you are more likely to treat others that way.

Delivering that message to young people through exciting, engaging, educational live presentations is what we do. Canine obedience, agility and even some amazing circus tricks all come together for an unforgettable experience.

Most importantly it gives young people the opportunity to meet, interact and bond with an animal in a safe supportive environment.